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The Best Dog Food Brands for Pitbulls

What is the best food for pit bulls? This question might have been ringing in your head for a while now. If you are reading this for some ideas, you have landed on the right page.  Pitbulls, or dogs in general – just like humans – have the need to stay in a balanced diet. Although they have the tendencies to chew on everything they see, as an owner you have to see to it that they stay strong and healthy.

If you are already starting your own research about the best dog food for pitbull allergies, you might have come across with different brands all claiming to be the best food for pit bulls.  You might have also come across with dog food manufacturers that say you know that you love your dog when you feed them with their products. There are also others who would tell you that raw foods, like meat, for example, is the best dog food.   If you are friends with some dog owners, some of them might tell you that feeding them people food would be ideal.

Here are some of the best brands:


This brand is known to only pack the freshest of ingredients.  Orijen has been known in raising free-range chickens. To catch some salmons, they send their own fishermen to do it. Orijen dog food is organic, safe, and is manufactured guided by high-quality standards. If you are looking at feeding the maximum amount of protein for your pitbull on every bite, Orijen guarantees 80% of protein.

Taste of the Wild Dog Food

Just like Orijen, this brand maintains an extremely high protein ratio which is very good for your dog. This is a result of concentrated meat meal and meal. Other than that, this dog food has ingredients that help your pet’s proper digestion. It is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that will surely keep them healthy.

Wellness Core Original Formula Dry Dog

This is the best for sensitive dogs since it does not have any corn, artificial coloring, soy, preservatives, flavors, or wheat. It comes with nutritional ingredients like parsley, broccoli, and kale.  This is a perfect food to feed your dogs daily.

To save yourself from the possibility of picking the wrong choice if you are raising a pitbull or any type of dog, it is a requirement for you to know that dogs are prone to allergies too, which can be caused too by feeding them the wrong dog food.  Unlike humans, allergies on dogs are quite hard to notice.  And once unnoticed, these allergies could lead to ailments and might possibly lead to the death of your pets, which will be terribly heartbreaking.

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