The most known drug for impotence is Viagra. The reason for that is that at its time it was the first medication known to help men with impotence or how it is called today, erectile dysfunction. Besides, it is the most advertised drug for this purpose. However, over the years, once the mechanism of erection enhancers had been fully understood, many other drugs with the same or even better effect emerged. One of such formulations is Cialis.
Today namely Cialis is the most popular medication for erectile dysfunction and there are weighty arguments in its favor. First of all, it has a much longer and even effect than Viagra. For instance, it can help men achieve erection within 36 hours after a single pill intake while in case of Viagra it’s only around 4-5 hours. As for the evenness of the effect, many men who used Viagra complained that they had painful erections that didn’t go away even after an intercourse. With Cialis this is a very rare occurrence because the medication starts rendering the effect only in the sexual stimulation of the penis and ends as soon as ejaculation occurs. That being said, a man who uses it can still have multiple intercourses within 36 hours after the pill intake but with some rest between them. Thus, if you want to get the most powerful and safe ED drug, you should definitely buy Cialis.
How to get Cialis cheap?
If you have checked the prices of the most known erectile dysfunction medications, you know that they are quite expensive. But there is a way to get them cheaper.
Cialis is based on the active agent Tadalafil. The patent for the formula exclusive use had already expired and now the same formulation is made and marketed by multiple companies. To get the medication cheaper you should buy generic Cialis or Tadalafil from an online drugstore without Rx. We advise you to opt for a reliable seller with international shipping, RxShopMD. The pharmacy operates for a long time and has mostly positive reviews. Moreover, it doesn’t check your prescription and will ship the drug to the country where it is a prescription-only drug with guaranteed delivery.
It is very convenient to get the medication without a prescription as many men find it shameful to discuss their sexual life failures with their doctors. However, if you started suffering from this disorder lately, we advise you to get your health checked to find out whether you have or do not have the conditions that require additional treatment.