Many surveys, appear to signify, the total level of confidence, our citizens have, at our government, is, or near, a – time low. Is it because of the surplus, partisan politics, dividing and polarizing Americans, generally seems to be bent over unifying, and bringing together, classes, and individuals, for the common good? Will be the main reasons, political, economical, race – related, xenophobic, self – interests, etc? Bearing that in mind, this guide will attempt to briefly examine, consider, and discuss 5 specific situations, or examples, where we have witnessed much of the uncertainty, and/ or mis – confidence.
While we pride ourselves, on the belief we are the best nation, in the world, our health care, is always rated, in a disappointing way! When Donald Trump campaigned for President of the United States, certainly one of the main problems, was, complaining about the quality and access to health care, and proclaiming, he’d implement, a far superior manner! He blamed high premiums, and every battle on his own predecessor, rather than providing a workable solution. After, once more than 16 months in office, the rhetoric has not equalled the consequences, it enhances the doubts and mis – trusts! President Trump, and his allies, rather than improving, have made changes, for change – benefit, instead of making things simpler! Just how often times, did we hear this legislation, has been aimed, at the middle – class, and also endless rhetoric, saying it would be the very best, largest tax cut , ever? Separate analysts and economists, have said, there is a lack of sustainability, and potential economical, unwanted impacts, in these proposals and plans. They state it favors the wealthiest 1%, far more, compared to others. Many are frustrated, since they have come to appreciate, trickle – down economics, not functioned effortlessly, within such a country.

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