Did you know that viruses are non-living entities? Yes! You read that right. Viruses are non-living and need a host cell to survive and reproduce. They can spread via respiratory droplets. It is the reason why they are easily communicable. One such example of a virus is ‘measles’.
Measles is one of the most communicable diseases. They are the leading cause of death in children, especially in areas with low vaccination. Measles is also called rubeola. Now, do not confuse it with rubella, another name for German measles. Their names might sound similar. But they both are different.
Measles is more common in children because they spend more time together in close spaces. However, once they get it, the body produces immunity against the virus, and they do not get re-infected. In adults and children aged above 5 years, measles can become complicated, leading to ear infections and diarrhea. Other serious complications are encephalitis and pneumonia. Therefore never take it lightly. If you notice a measles rash on your body, you must seek professional help and visit the doctor soon. Otherwise, it can become complicated. To get an expert opinion, you can consult a General Physician in Lahore.
Here is all you need to know about measles
What Is The Cause of Measles?
The measles virus is the virus that causes measles. The virus replicates in the nose and throat of an infected person. Air droplets or nearby surfaces are the sources of its spread. These droplets come from a person already infected, by sneezing or coughing. The virus remains active for up to 2 hours in air space without a host or human body.
There is a higher chance that uninfected people, who encounter infected people, may get infected too. So, the next time you see someone with measles, try to be distant from them until they recover.
What Are The Symptoms of Measles?
The symptoms of measles appear within 10 to 14 days after being in contact with an infected person. They include:
- Dry cough
- Coryza-stuffy nose
- Red blotchy maculopapular rash spreading from head to extremities
- Reddish brown rash
- Koplik’s spot-a small white spot inside the mouth at cheeks opposite to molars
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Fever
- Conjunctivitis-inflamed eyes
- Watery eyes
- Sneezing
- Body aches
How Is Measles Diagnosed?
Your doctor may be able to diagnose you with measles based on the signs and symptoms mentioned above. They may also run some serology blood tests for further confirmation.
What Is The Treatment For Measles?
As such no antiviral treatment is available for measles. The virus will go away on its own. The main goal is to control the symptoms and further superinfections from developing. Staying hydrated during measles is best.
Doctors prescribe immune serum globulin to some people exposed to the patient with measles. These include pregnant women, children, and those with weak immune systems. If given within the first 6 days after exposure, the severity of this virus is decreased.
Doctors may give post-exposure vaccination. People who are non-immunized get this vaccination. The only option is getting this vaccine within 72 hours of exposure to the virus for protection.
Vitamin A- measles affects people with vitamin A deficiency more. So, the doctor may prescribe vitamin A supplements. These supplements may also decrease the risk of blindness.
The doctor may give ibuprofen or paracetamol for fever and pain. Physicians give antibiotics for bacterial infections such as pneumonia if it also occurs.
How To Prevent Measles?
The measles vaccine is a life-attenuated immunization. It is given when your baby is between 12-15 months of age. And again at 4-6 years of age. It has a 95% efficacy rate.
Spreading health and disease-related awareness among people is essential. History should not repeat itself by letting an epidemic convert into a pandemic. So, you must consult a doctor if you see any symptoms of measles. That way, you can manage and control communicable diseases.
Generally, measles gets better on its own. You need supportive treatment for it. However, consulting a doctor is a must. Always visit the doctor if you notice any rash on your body as it can happen due to various reasons. To get an expert opinion, you can visit Dr. Khalid Jalisi.