Asbestos, if compact, does not pose any danger to a person’s health. However, friable asbestos can do great damage especially if it is being inhaled for a period of time. Asbestos fibers are the fibers released to the air by the asbestos when it is damaged or disturbed. When breath in, it will settle permanently down into the lungs and can cause inflammation or asbestosis. If left untreated, it may develop into lung cancer.

That is why amidst its popularity in the middle of the 19th century, the industrial use of asbestos slowly took a U-turn on the early 1900s. likewise, because it poses a great risk to many people, the use of asbestos in many different countries was banned. However, some countries do allow the use only asbestos but with limitations and strict rules and regulations.

If you happen to be living in an old house, there is a possibility that asbestos was used at the time of construction. However, you may not be able to identify it simply by looking, otherwise, it has a label on it. If your house is being remodeled or got damaged and you happen to see materials that are doubtful, do not panic but rather call a trained and accredited asbestos contractor.

Hiring an asbestos contractor

When looking for a contractor, the most important thing that you should look for is their certifications and accreditations. They should be well-trained in their field of expertise and deal with customers professionally. You may also want to do some background check by reading testimonies of previous clients or you can verify their status at the local authorities. Once the inspection of your house is done, the contractor should be able to present a written evaluation and their recommendation if asbestos is present. Prior to the start of work, the contractor must be able to present a written contract stating the work plan and the clean up among many others.


If it can’t be helped and you need to be in the work area, you must have the appropriate personal protective equipment or much known as PPE. The PPEs will help reduce your exposure to the asbestos fiber. The standard PPEs used in asbestos are the respirator, eyewear, disposable coveralls, rubber boots, and disposable gloves. You may opt to ask from your contractor for the equipment or you may want to purchase your own.

PPS is an Australia-based company that manufactures quality PPE. PPS Asbestos disposal clothing and their respiratory protective equipment can be purchased online or you may contact their customer support for more queries.